Angina Booklet: Get Tough on Angina
Produced by: Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association
Country: United States
This 30 page booklet is a comprehensive educational resource for patients with angina.

Angina Brochure: Get Tough on Angina
Produced by: Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association
Country: United States
This brochure provides quick information on angina including how to reduce attacks and how to cope with symptoms.
Educational materials are for informational purposes only and are not intended to replace medical advice or diagnose or treat health problems. Health-related decisions should be made in partnership with a healthcare provider. It is the reader’s responsibility to seek out the most current, accurate information.
Educational materials posted on the GCNLF website do not imply endorsement. They are for information only. You are welcome to adapt and translate these materials based on your national guidelines.